Awards Committee

Awards Committee

The AME Awards Committee oversees, fosters, solicits, reviews, and adjudicates the AME Awards and the Outreach Education Fund in line with the stated purpose and evaluation criteria for each award. In addition, the committee promotes the importance and significance of the AME Awards and the Outreach Education Fund.

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The committee recommends award winners to the Board of Directors for approval and advises on the planning of the annual AME Awards Gala – A Celebration of Excellence.

Staff lead:  Richard Truman | 604-404-1031

Member and Public Outreach Committee

Member and Public Outreach Committee

The AME Member and Public Outreach Committee (MPOC) helps to identify, address and communicate topical issues related to mineral exploration and development in BC. They support the development and delivery of targeted outreach and communication materials to meaningfully influence AME members and/or affected members of the public.

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The MPOC contributes expertise and ideas on member benefits, engagement, communication, and outreach and reviews and reports on AME’s membership benefits and fees to the Board annually, ensuring competitiveness in line with industry standards. In addition, this committee makes recommendations to the Board for AME Life Membership and assists with managing the AME Pioneers’ group.

Staff lead:  Candice Appleby | 604-354-5877

Executive Committee

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee acts on behalf of the Board when the Board is not in session. In this role, the Executive provides leadership to the Association by supporting the President, Vice President(s), staff and committees with direction, advice, and planning and, as required, by Board-level decision making.

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Staff lead: Jonathan Buchanan | 778-840-0620

Finance and Audit Committee

Finance and Audit Committee

Members of the AME Finance and Audit Committee review, on behalf of the Board of Directors, the preparation of the annual operating budget and the quarterly and annual financial statements, as well as our returns on investment assets and other related matters.

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Staff lead: Becky Pitre | 604-630-3922

Health & Safety Committee

Health & Safety Committee

The Health & Safety Committee works with members, government, and other associations to ensure that the mineral exploration community is able to work safely and productively.

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The Committee was formed in October 1980 by the late David Barr following a particularly tragic year in exploration in western Canada when nine individuals, including two pilots, lost their lives in separate helicopter accidents. The Committee produces Safety Guidelines for Mineral Exploration in Western Canada, collaborates with PDAC on the annual Canadian Mineral Exploration Health & Safety Survey, and holds annual mineral exploration safety workshops. The Committee also presents the David Barr Award for leadership and innovation in health and safety in the mineral exploration sector.

Staff lead: Jack Middleton | 604-404-2337

Governance and Nominating Committee

Governance and Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee identifies and recommends Directors for election or appointment to the AME Board of Directors. See our Board & Staff page for information about the current Directors.

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Staff lead: Jonathan Buchanan | 778-840-0620

Policy and Government Relations Committee

Policy and Government Relations Committee

The Policy and Government Relations Committee supports AME in advocating for access to the land base in BC and other technical or policy matters required to maintain, encourage and foster a successful and sustainable mineral exploration and development industry.

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The Policy and Government Relations Committee identifies opportunities and challenges faced by the BC mineral exploration and development industry and advises on policy recommendations and advocacy efforts related to taxation, securities and capital investment to increase domestic and international investment in mineral exploration and development. In addition, the committee guides AME’s policy and communications related to the implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act.

Staff lead: Jack Middleton | 604-404-2337

AME Roundup Organizing Committee

AME Roundup Organizing Committee

The AME Roundup Organizing Committee strives to make the annual AME Roundup Conference the world’s premier mineral exploration conference.

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This committee plans and executes high-quality technical and targeted sessions and relevant forums at the conference by procur\inge and liaising with diverse presenters who will deliver timely content on topics relevant to AME members and the mineral exploration and development industry. In addition, the committee helps create a conference that is inclusive and welcoming to all parties and be a place where open and honest dialogue is welcome at all times.

Staff lead: Brenin Nobleman | 778-227-8340