It has been two years since I penned my first message to you via this magazine. It’s with mixed emotions that I share that this will be the last from me as President and CEO of AME. As some of you know, my partner has accepted the role of President and CEO for Hydro One and started his new role in early May 2019. I will be joining him at the end of June as we look forward to a new adventure in the East. Of course, our roots are here in British Columbia and I am planning to continue to support AME and this great industry, just from a new perspective. As I reflect on these two years, I can’t believe how fast the time has gone but also how much I have learned through the generosity of this community. The first person in my office in June of 2017 was Don Bragg and there hasn’t been a week since that his kindness and experience didn’t help and inspire me. I am grateful to Don and the multitude of others who have shared information, history and perspectives with me as gifts that I will treasure.
Team effort
AME’s work has always been and continues to be relevant, meaningful and effective because of the incredible work of a true team. Together we have seen a new NDP government become established and recognize the importance of mineral exploration and mining through actions such as converting to permanency the flowthrough tax credit and the mineral exploration tax credit as well as committing $20 million over three years to increase resources to improve permitting timelines and enhance compliance. In addition, and in partnership with Nisga’a Lisims Government, Tahltan Central Government and the Province of British Columbia, AME forged new ground with the pilot program of the B.C. Regional Mining Alliance (BCRMA). Along with members Dolly Varden Silver, GT Gold, IDM Mining and Skeena Resources, the BCRMA took the pilot year to test and learn how to improve our reputation within the investment community, with great success. The program will now be formalized for three years with funding of $1 million from the Province and I look forward to the great work and positive results that this Alliance will achieve.
B.C. Policy Highlights
- $20m over 3 years into MEMPR (~65 full-time staff)
- $1m for BCRMA
- $1m for an Innovation Roadmap
- Resources to implement Mining Jobs Task Force (MJTF) actions, incl. MJTF to be ongoing for implementation
- Mineral Exploration Tax Credit – permanent (2019 work includes advocating for an increase to 35%)
- Flow Through Tax Credit – permanent (2019 work includes advocating for an increase to 30%)
Working together
Relationships have always been the heart of my priorities and I believe the successes of the Association in the last two years have been as a result of strong relationships between a multitude of parties, including our members at large, government leaders, bureaucrats, volunteers from our board to our committees to our Roundup crews, partners like MABC, GBC, Minerals Ed and the Britannia Mine Museum and, of course, our incredible staff. I am very proud of this team and what they accomplish with the support of our volunteer force. I leave you in very good hands with them and a diverse, balanced and progressive board of directors who will no doubt accomplish more together than any one of us can alone. Thank you for the incredible opportunity to work with and for you, volunteers and staff. It has been my honour and pleasure and I will continue to champion AME and this industry in my work going forward.

Roundup 2019
- 6,500 attendees from 49 countries
- 1,860 mineral exploration and mining companies represented
- 95 political leaders, including 3 premiers
- 408 exhibitors
- 130 speakers
Media Highlights
- Achieved 1,169 pieces of media coverage & a total reach of over 172 million, exceeding 2018 by over 23m impressions
- 64 accredited media attended, 14% increase from 2018
- 3 media scrums with Premier Horgan, Andrew Scheer and Dr. Andrew Weaver