The winter issue of AME’s Mineral Exploration magazine is always a highlight. Along with an extensive preview of AME’s Roundup 2017 conference, we also showcase annual reviews from regional geologists and take an in-depth look at a variety of exploration projects at different stages of development in British Columbia. The only regret is that due to space constraints we could not fully profile every deserving project.
Successful exploration
AME has been focused on addressing the very challenging and prolonged investment climate that members have been facing. Specifically, AME’s Taxation, Securities and Investment (TSI) Committee assisted with submissions to B.C.’s Commission on Tax Competitiveness and B.C.’s Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services for the 2017 provincial budget. As well, AME’s TSI Committee has been working with the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) on submissions to Finance Canada about the importance of flow-through share financings and the 15 per cent federal Mineral Exploration Tax Credit (METC) to a successful industry in B.C. and across Canada. AME is strongly advocating that the METC be renewed in the 2017 federal budget and that the flow-through share system be maintained. More recently, on behalf of AME, I presented to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Natural Resources in Ottawa to drive home the need for these fiscal policies that keep Canada’s mineral exploration and development industry globally competitive.
Aboriginal relations and engagement
AME’s Aboriginal Relations Committee has formed a subcommittee specifically tasked with the planning and co-ordination of the fifth annual Gathering Place at Roundup 2017. As in previous years, AME’s Gathering PHOTO AME Place will provide a welcoming space for respectful dialogue where delegates will have the opportunity to learn from each other’s experiences and continue building mutual understanding, respect and trust with First Nations. Read more about AME’s Gathering Place on page 45. Discussions between the Tsilhqot’in National Government and the B.C. government are now underway following the signing of the Nenqay Deni Accord in February 2016. Accordingly, AME has been engaging with the Government of B.C. about the accord, which covers a very large area of central B.C., regarding the rights of existing and future mineral tenure-holders and investors in subsurface mineral resources in the prospective Cariboo-Chilcotin region.
AME has been focused on addressing the very challenging and prolonged investment climate that members have been facing.
Public awareness and stakeholder education
Members should know that AME – as an advocate for mineral exploration and development – attended the Pacific NorthWest Economic Region summit from July 16 to 19 in Calgary and the annual Union of B.C. Municipalities convention from September 26 to 29 in Victoria. Both conferences provided AME with opportunities to connect with leaders from provincial and local governments regarding important issues such as land access for exploration in B.C. and transboundary relations with Alaska. AME is also a partner in the Vote Mining campaign, along with the Mining Association of British Columbia and the Mining Suppliers Association of B.C., to raise awareness of issues related to mineral exploration and mining among both MLA candidates and voters in advance of the May 9, 2017, provincial election (for more information and to take action, visit votemining.ca).
Socially responsible exploration
We were pleased to receive 91 responses to the 11th annual AME/ PDAC Canadian Mineral Exploration Environment, Health and Safety Survey – a respectable number considering the industry downturn. The recipients of the Safe Day Everyday Gold Award will be honoured during AME’s Environment, Health and Safety Awards Breakfast at Roundup (see page 41 for details).
AME Roundup conference
This issue of Mineral Exploration magazine features an extensive preview of AME’s Roundup 2017 conference, “Gearing Up for Discovery.” With a return of investor confidence and increasing mineral exploration and development activity, this is the one event of the year not to miss! For up-to-date details and to register, visit amebc.ca/roundup, and we will see you under the Canada Place sails in Vancouver from January 23 to 26, 2017.
On behalf of the staff and the board of AME, I thank the hundreds of dedicated volunteers and thousands of members of the association for their valuable support and contributions. I wish you the very best and that you have a safe day, every day, wherever this winter message finds you!