July 1 – September 30, 2018

Our members work in some of the most spectacularly scenic places in the world and often have the photography skills to do the landscapes justice.

We want to see your best photos from the field: prospecting, collecting samples, doing geological work, drilling and conducting studies. Submit your photographs that capture the various activities in the mineral exploration and development industry.


Use the hashtag #AMEintheField when uploading your fieldwork photos to Instagram, Twitter, and/or Facebook, in order to be considered.

Every month, AME will choose two photos to feature on our social channels, using the criteria set out in our Annual Photo Contest. Featured photos will also be entered in to our Annual Photo Contest Social Media category, earning the winner $100.


Photographers must have the consent of subjects being photographed as well as permission to submit a photograph of personal and/or company property (if applicable).

Entries must be the original property of the photographer. A photographer may not submit a photograph that is the property of another person or organization (e.g., proprietary photographs of a company’s mineral exploration property).

The photographer grants AME a royalty-free, nonexclusive right, starting at the time of submission, in perpetuity, to use the photograph in AME communications including, but not limited to, publications, displays and AME-related use in news stories. The photographer retains the use of the entry and may continue to use the photograph in ways that do not infringe on AME’s use of the photograph.
