AME is the lead association for the mineral exploration and development industry based in British Columbia. Established in 1912, AME represents, advocates and promotes the interests of almost 5,000 members who are engaged in mineral exploration and development in BC and globally. AME encourages a safe, economically strong and environmentally responsible industry by providing clear initiatives, policies, events and tools to support its membership in delivering responsible projects that advance reconciliation and provide benefit to all British Columbians.

Our Vision

Through leadership, advocacy, and partnerships, AME will protect and promote the interests of mineral
explorers and developers operating, or based, in BC.

Our Mission

Modelling leadership in alignment with our values, AME will create and deliver events, initiatives, policy, and guiding principles. This work will assist AME’s membership in furthering responsible exploration and development that promotes economic viability, safety, environmental and social responsibility, reconciliation, and collaborative partnerships.

Our Core Values

How we complete work is just as important as what we achieve. Our Core Values give guidance on behaviours for how we work together, make decisions and achieve our goals.

  • Be Respectful
  • Be Focused
  • Be Effective
  • Be Informative
  • Be Inclusive

Key Actions

  • Act as Trusted Leaders in all respects, honouring confidential information, and proudly carrying
    the voice of the mineral exploration and development industry.
  • Support, exhibit and enhance Equity, Diversity and Inclusion as we complete the work of the

Key Areas of Focus

public Engagement

3-year focus: To positively influence public opinion and increase appreciation for mineral exploration and development.

Action Items

  1. Create a multi-year public engagement campaign to shift public perception of the mineral exploration and mining industry as measured through polling.
  2. Continue to share engaging, impactful stories about mineral exploration and development’s positive effects on individuals, communities, the economy, and the environment.
  3. Continue to support the development and delivery of educational programs for elementary through post-secondary students and underrepresented groups.

Membership Engagement

3-year focus: To increase corporate and individual membership and engagement by ensuring new and existing members understand the value and the benefits membership provides

Action Items

  1. Evaluate and enhance member benefits to attract new and retain existing members.
  2. Provide members with relevant, accessible, high-quality training, tools, and resources.
  3. Effectively communicate AME’s ongoing activities, initiatives, accomplishments, and
    advocacy progress.

government relations and advocacy

3-year focus: To be a trusted source of information and a consistent voice for members that informs and influences government.

Action Items

  1. Advocate for efficient and consistent permitting processes with reasonable approval timelines
  2. Participate in and advance the modernization of the Mineral Tenure Act and ensure mineral exploration and development can continue to operate effectively.
  3. Follow government activities and be an effective partner in policy changes, advocating to ensure successful mineral exploration.

indigenous relations and reconciliation

3-year focus: To create pathways for Indigenous leadership and participation in mineral exploration and development.

Action Items

  1. Encourage early engagement and provide guidance to support the understanding and application of DRIPA to explorers and Indigenous communities.
  2. Facilitate training and capacity-building opportunities in mineral exploration and development for Indigenous communities.
  3. Create an Indigenous Leadership Round Table to facilitate discussions on current issues from an Indigenous perspective.

operational excellence

3-year focus: To foster excellence through good governance, financial security, and collaborative work environments.

Action Items

  1. Maintain and build AME Roundup as a must-attend industry event that generates income to support association goals and provides relevant technical and social content, including The Gathering Place.
  2. Continue to advance AME’s governance and corporate controls, ensuring AME follows current best practices and operates effectively.
  3. Provide relevant and timely training opportunities for AME staff to develop appropriate skills and foster a healthy organizational culture.

See the Bylaws. See a summary of the current Annual Work Plan.