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Albert Chong is a semi-retired, professional geologist providing geological advisory services on a part-time basis.  Albert has a wide range of progressive industry experience spanning more than three decades and has worked on projects and mineral deposits located on six continents.  This includes actively contributing to the technical due diligence for precious metal streaming agreements worth more than US$8B while employed as the Director and Senior Director, Geology with Wheaton Precious Metals Corp.

Albert’s other geological industry experiences include exploration, development, mining, mineral resource estimation and consulting on projects and operations hosting a variety of mineral deposit types and commodities.  During his early career, Albert was a member of the Noranda Exploration team credited with discovering the Eagle River gold deposit near Wawa, Ontario.  The deposit is still being actively mined today.

Albert’s enthusiasm for giving back to our industry is demonstrated through his ongoing volunteer work with AME’s Board of Directors (since 2022), Finance committee (2024), and the Roundup Organizing Committee (since 2016; Co-chair (RU2025) and Vice-chair (RU2023-24)).  He has also delivered technical talks for industry and students at U.B.C. and B.C.I.T.  Albert is a Professional Geoscientist (EGBC), has his M.Sc.-Exploration Geoscience (CODES, University of Tasmania, Australia), and B.Sc.-Geology (McMaster University, Ontario).  He and his family reside in Pitt Meadows, British Columbia.