Bernie Kreft is a born and raised Yukoner who operates a family-run private prospecting business active throughout BC and the Yukon. The business specializes in the identification, acquisition and development of early-stage exploration projects along with operating a seasonal placer gold mine in the Yukon. These pursuits have led to him being named Yukon Prospector of the Year in 1998 and his family being highlighted on the TV show, Yukon Gold.
Bernie currently sits on the advisory board of Kestrel Gold and Gambier Gold and has signed numerous option deals with a wide variety of public and private companies. He knows that an environment that fosters early-stage exploration is absolutely critical to the long-term health of the entire industry and that community engagement is key to helping dispel myths and negative perceptions that often surround the industry.
A physical fitness buff, Bernie also enjoys Scrabble, strategy games and watching hockey. He can be found on Twitter at his personal account @Bernie_Kreft dispensing snippets of “gold” as well as posting videos and pictures of his various prospecting adventures.