The minerals and metals that we discover, develop and produce in BC are key ingredients to our everyday lives and lead us to a greener future. They make everything we strive for possible!

Minerals and metals build our cities and make up everything you see in Vancouver’s skyline, including the drone that captured it!

Take a moment to consider the tools and technology you use to get around like your bicycle, car and even your smartphone. They are made possible because of minerals and metals!

Hiking is a popular hobby for us on the west coast! When we head out, we’re prepared with all of the gear needed to track where we are and keep us safe. That gear is made of minerals and metals.

Tree planting is vital for reforestation. And to plant trees, we need tools. Those tools are made up of minerals and metals – the unsung heroes in our quest to a greener future!

Mineral Explorers are the people that search for the minerals and metals that make the things we use everyday. If it’s not grown, it’s mined. It’s that simple. Discovering these minerals and metals starts in the field taking samples, mapping and prospecting. Discovering and developing mineral deposits ensures we have the ingredients that build the essential things that are part of your world and part of our future.
Did you know our global transition to a low carbon future depends on minerals and metals like copper, silver, molybdenum and zinc?

Minerals and Metals – Part of Your World, Part of Our Future