Where there are challenges, there are opportunities, and this year has been a year of giving back amid a global pandemic that has affected the lives of many. We are overwhelmed by the amount of support and generosity we have seen across our industry and beyond.

Over the past year, AME members have raised $112,000 for charity and donated goods and services to help during the early days of the pandemic.  Below are some highlights of how the mineral exploration and mining community gave back to help those in need in 2020.

AME’s Open Holiday House Raises $12,710 for Crisis Centre of BC

At AME, health and safety is a top priority, this includes mental health and wellbeing which we know was a challenge for many during the COVID-19 pandemic. This holiday season, we chose to raise funds in support of the Crisis Centre of BC, whose call volumes have increased by 25% since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic with almost all calls relating to COVID-19. The average call costs $26.69 and lasts from 10-15 minutes.  

A big thank you to all our members for taking part in our Holiday Open House and to our generous sponsors FPX Nickel Corp, Independence Gold Corp., and Soar Financial Partners for helping us to achieve this goal and support worth cause.

Jeffrey Preiss, Director, Development and Communications said:

“Thank you for your generosity in supporting the Crisis Centre of BC through the Association for Mineral Exploration’s fundraising efforts. With COVID-19 now into its second wave in British Columbia, and during a time of year when many would normally gather with family and friends, the Crisis Centre is preparing for an increased number of incoming calls and chat requests.”

If you or anyone you know could benefit from the Crisis Centre of BC, please take note of the contact details and resources below:

  • Vancouver Coastal Regional Distress Line: 604-872-3311
  • Anywhere in BC 1-800-SUICIDE: 1-800-784-2433
  • Mental Health Support Line: 310-6789
  • Online Chat Service for Youth: www.YouthInBC.com (Noon to 1am)
  • Online Chat Service for Adults: www.CrisisCentreChat.ca (Noon to 1am)

AME in collaboration with Integra Resources raised $100,000 for Food Banks BC

AME, in partnership with Integra Resources, raised $100,000 on behalf of the British Columbia exploration and mining community for Food Banks BC. These funds provided targeted relief to those living in rural, remote and Indigenous communities facing food security challenges exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Launched in early June, over 50 donations (individual and corporate) were received as part of the #MiningFeedsBC Food Bank challenge, where participants were called on to share their favourite mining meal memory on social media and make a donation to Food Banks BC. A big thank you to Wheaton Precious Metals their $50,000.00 donation as well as a personal donation by Wheaton’s President & CEO, Randy Smallwood.

Executive Director, Dan Huang-Taylor Food Banks BC, said:

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are being felt even more deeply among the tens of thousands of families and individuals who regularly turn to BC Food Banks for much needed support. And since the start of the COVID-19 emergency, more and more people have turned to food banks for help. Lineups for food are continuing to grow and resources are stretched even further under the increasing levels of demand across our province. Thanks to this significant donation from the BC mining and exploration community through the #MiningFeedsBC food bank challenge, we can provide much needed resources to BC Food Banks as they continue to support their communities and tackle hunger across our province.

AME’s Call to Members for Essential Supplies during COVID-19

At the start of the pandemic, the government and communities across the province were experiencing a shortage of essential supplies and personnel needed to create and operate temporary facilities for testing, triage, housing and isolation areas for vulnerable populations. At AME, we knew that mineral explorers were in a unique position to help, having access to these supplies needed. We called on our members to make any excess capacity of insulated structures, camp gear (furniture, lighting, kitchen appliances), First Aid equipment or personnel and camp support personnel available during this time of need. This resulted in over 30 companies or individuals coming forward to provide supplies and/or personnel leading to a positive impact on those that needed them.


  • Jordan Townley

    As Manager, Marketing and Communications, Jordan focuses on a wide range of marketing activity including PR and Media Relations, Digital Marketing, Measurement and Analytics, Social Media Management, Media Partnerships, Content Development, E-news as well as event support for AME Roundup. Jordan is the Staff Lead for the Communications and Marketing Committee and the Editorial Sub-Committee.

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