SSR Mining Inc.
Chair, Roundup 2019 Organizing Committee
We invite you to join us at one of the world’s premier technical mineral exploration conferences. AME’s Mineral Exploration Roundup 2019 will take place January 28-31 in beautiful Vancouver, B.C. Every year, explorers from around the world come together to share their latest findings, stories, successes and innovative ideas to further the exploration industry.
As the industry gains momentum, and sees a resurgence in many regions, Roundup’s theme, “Elements for Discovery” will combine the elements necessary for successful mineral exploration. The event connects explorers, suppliers, financiers, innovators, Indigenous peoples and groups and is underpinned by a world-renowned technical geoscience program. The synergies cultivated at Roundup energize the B.C. exploration community to discover and deliver the elements needed to support our shared future.
This year marks AME’s 36th consecutive conference and while new ideas continue to flow, we can’t forget our renowned foundational programming in our Core Shack, Technical Sessions and Student Poster session. Leading up to the conference, we will be providing a full slate of short courses that will include Carlin Gold Deposits, Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide Deposits and the Fundamentals of Mineral Resource Estimation. And if you’re looking to involve your family, our public outreach presentation, Discovery Day, is an event for an explorer of any age to learn more about minerals and exploration in a fun and accessible way.
We would like to thank the 6,570 participants from 39 countries who attended Mineral Exploration Roundup 2018, and on behalf of the Roundup Organizing Committee, we look forward to seeing you again at Vancouver’s Canada Place January 28-31, 2019.
About AME
The Association for Mineral Exploration (AME) is the lead association for the mineral exploration and development industry based in British Columbia. Established in 1912, AME represents, advocates, protects and promotes the interests of thousands of members who are engaged in mineral exploration and development in B.C. and throughout the world. AME encourages a safe, economically strong and socially and environmentally responsible industry by providing clear initiatives, policies, events and tools to support its membership.
General Information
Returning to the Vancouver Convention Centre East, “Under the Sails,” 999 Canada Place, Vancouver, B.C.
Online registration
Visit roundup.amebc.ca to register and for conference, visitor and hotel information.
Registration inquiries
For registration questions, please contact Conexsys Event Registration at 1.855.787.2457 (toll-free) or email [email protected].
Hotel information
AME has secured competitive rates at local hotels for Roundup 2019. Booking within the conference hotel block directly supports the association. We appreciate your support in booking your accommodations through our partnering hotels. Visit http:// roundup.amebc.ca/attendees/ hotel-visitor-info/ for details.
The Association for Mineral Exploration sincerely thanks the sponsors of Roundup 2019 (as confirmed at the time of printing) for their support.
Technical Sessions

Official Opening Ceremonies and Keynote Speaker
Monday, January 28 | Morning
Join us to kick off Roundup 2019 with Rio Tinto‘s Exploration Director for the Americas region, Chris Welton. Chris joins us for a talk on Rio Tinto’s outlook on the mineral exploration and development industry from a global perspective and how that affects the local B.C. exploration sector.
Regional Overviews – B.C./Yukon/Alaska
Monday, January 28 | Morning
This signature session will provide an update on mineral exploration and mining activities in B.C., Yukon and Alaska. The content will link the latest geoscience information with the latest mineral exploration and mining industry activities. This session is geared to providing prospectors, exploration geologists, engineers, miners, financial analysts, investment organizations and senior industry leaders with a solid foundation and a vision to succeed. Please join us as we celebrate the successes of the past year in mineral exploration and mining, and gear up for the discoveries ahead.

New Geoscience: Research and Knowledge for Exploration
Monday, January 28 | Afternoon
The New Geoscience session showcases the results of frontline geoscience initiatives, bringing forward new ideas on the regional geology of the Cordillera and their bearing on mineralization. Topics will range from regional syntheses of important metallotects to focused studies highlighting new investigative approaches.

Theme Session – The B.C. Copper Advantage
Tuesday, January 29 | Morning
As Canada’s largest producer of copper, B.C. is not only an attractive jurisdiction for mineral exploration but is also leading the way in promoting a green, electrified economy. This session will address many of B.C.’s advantages, including its amazing geology and exploration potential, the availability of cheap and reliable energy, the presence of a skilled workforce and innovative applications that have potential to improve the economics of deposits.

Commodities and Financial Markets
Tuesday, January 29 | Afternoon
This year’s session brings together commodity experts who will discuss outlook fundamentals for precious metals; base metals, including copper, zinc and lead; plus the energy metals, cobalt and lithium. Together with finance experts in private equity and mining economics, this session will discuss, among other things, the global economy and its impact on mineral exploration, mining and metals.

Precious Metals
Wednesday, January 30 | Morning
The Precious Metals session will showcase selected gold and silver exploration projects from across Canada and the world. The presentations will feature skilled mineral explorationists, highlighting their recent successes based upon the elements of research, innovation, technical expertise and creative project management. The session will provide insights on a range of mineral deposits including mesothermal gold in eastern Canada, porphyry and epithermal gold and silver in the Americas and Mongolia.

Base Metals
Wednesday, January 30 | Afternoon
It has been a volatile year for Base Metals, with some significant changes in sentiment throughout the year. Despite this, the exploration end of the Base Metals business is seeing renewed and innovative activity driven by acceptance that metals like copper and nickel are critical to the long-term trend towards electric cars, renewable energy and battery storage.
B.C./Yukon/Alaska Cordillera
Thursday, January 31 | Morning
This session will present the highlights of some of the exciting and innovative exploration programs that are operating in B.C., Yukon and Alaska across a range of commodities and deposit types.
Showcase Sessions

Government – Industry Forum
Monday, January 28 | Afternoon
This tenth annual forum will examine the issue of balanced resource development decisions through a panel of municipal, provincial, federal and Indigenous government leaders and industry and through thought-provoking lightning talks (TED-talk style).
AME’s The Gathering Place
The Gathering Place: Where Leaders (Indigenous, Political and Industry) Meet
Tuesday, January 29 – Wednesday, January 30
Please join us once again as we bring AME’s The Gathering Place to Roundup 2019. Presenters in The Gathering Place will represent Indigenous groups, industry and government. Through the sharing of stories of early engagement and respectful relationships, they will help us to better understand why working towards reconciliation enables the building of long-term relationships and mutually beneficial projects. There will also be practical tips to help all explorers and Indigenous groups to work together. It can be said that these are two of “the elements for discovery” – early engagement and relationship-building.
Short Courses

Register early for Short Courses; these are often sold out well in advance of the conference. AME’s short course program provides delegates with opportunities to go beyond the technical and best-practice sessions for practical expertise for daily on-the-job use. Each course description outlines the course content, audience and cost.
Carlin Gold and Other Sediment-Hosted Ore Deposits
Presented by: Society of Economic Geologists (SEG)
Saturday, January 26 and Sunday, January 27
Capital Markets for Geologists
Presented by: Dale Mah
Saturday, January 26 and Sunday, January 27
Discovery through Cover Using Geochemistry: A Global Context (MDRU)
Presented by: Peter Winterburn
Saturday, January 26 and Sunday, January 27

Ancient and Modern Volcanic-hosted Massive Sulfide (VHMS) Deposits
Presented by: J. Bruce Gemmell
Saturday, January 26 and Sunday, January 27
Fundamentals of Mineral Resource Estimation
Presented by: Valerie Wilson, Sean Horan, David Ross, Jason Cox and Luke Evans
Saturday, January 26 and Sunday, January 27
Student Guide to a Career in Exploration
Presented by: Andy Randell
Sunday, January 27
Keynote Events

Tickets are available for purchase when registering.
AME Lunch
Featuring: John Thompson and Daniele La Porta on “Global Change Driving New Mineral Demand.”
The world is going through rapid technological changes that will drive increasing demand for an abundance of natural resources, particularly minerals and metals.
Monday, January 28
Reconciliation Breakfast
The second annual event inspired and sponsored by Teck Resources Limited
Tuesday, January 29

Finance Lunch
Featuring: Dr. Nicole Adshead-Bell
A geologist with over two decades of capital markets and minerals sector experience.
Tuesday, January 29
AME Environment, Health and Safety Awards Breakfast
Featuring: Jeffery Lyth, QSP Leadership
Wednesday, January 30
Awards Gala: Celebration of Excellence
AME proudly recognizes the remarkable achievements and contributions of individuals and teams in the mineral resource, investment and mineral exploration industry at the annual AME Awards Gala.
Wednesday, January 30
Networking Events

Icebreaker Reception
Sunday, January 27
A perk for all Full Delegates to the conference, this opening reception provides a great networking opportunity start the conference off on the right foot. In addition to meeting new people and catching up with old friends, attendees will get a sneak peek at the conference’s highlight events.
Student-Industry Networking Event
Sunday, January 27
The Student-Industry Networking Event provides an opportunity for students and industry representatives to network and discuss career opportunities and options within the mineral exploration sector, as well as other related industries, in a relaxed environment.
Poster Session and Student Presentations
Monday, January 28
The Roundup Poster Session is Canada’s premier venue for dissemination and examination of applied mineral deposit and exploration geoscience research. Every year, between 80 and 100 presenters participate.
B.C. Night
It’s AME’s famous B.C. Night, always a highlight at Roundup. All delegates are welcome to mark the mid-way milestone of the conference.
Tuesday, January 29

Exhibit Hall Happy Hour
Monday, January 28 – Wednesday, January 30 (4 to 5 p.m. daily)
TSX Live Market Close
January 31 (12:45pm to 1:30pm)
All are welcome to join us to close the market on Toronto Stock Exchange and TSX Venture Exchange on the last day of Roundup 2019.
Sporting Events

Hockey Challenge
Monday, January 28 (2 to 4 p.m.)
Curling Bonspiel
Wednesday, January 30 (6:30 to 10:30 p.m.)
Free Family Event
Discovery Day
Sunday, January 27 (10 a.m. to 2 p.m.)
Discovery Day is an outreach event designed to create awareness and to inform the public about the mineral exploration industry and build awareness of the importance of minerals and metals in our everyday lives. Bring the whole family down to experience the intrigue and excitement of our industry, with interactive and educational displays that will engage both adults and children.
Exhibit Hall

The Exhibit Hall is a staple of Roundup and presents an unparalleled opportunity to visit a wide cross-section of companies working in the mineral exploration and development sector. Along with great exploration and service and supply companies, make sure to check out the Core Shack, Prospectors’ Tent and Poster Session, all located on the Exhibit Hall floor.
Dates: Monday, January 28, to Thursday, January 31 Time: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Monday to Wednesday); 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. (Thursday)
Core Shack and Technical Displays

Core Shack
The Core Shack showcases new discoveries, leading prospects, advanced projects and operating mines from around the world. Core Shack 2019 will feature drill core samples from projects in diverse countries and settings, and represent a broad array of deposit types and project stages.
Prospectors’ Tent
The Prospectors’ Tent provides an opportunity for independent prospectors to present their hard-earned mineral properties and discoveries. Featuring displays of maps, rock samples, drill core, sketches, photographs and analyses, it’s a great place to see properties with potential throughout B.C. and Yukon, and perhaps to make some discoveries of your own.
Project Generators Hub
The Project Generators Hub will feature seven companies daily that specialize in generating exploration ideas and turning these ideas into active projects. These “Project Generators,” as they are known, typically maintain a portfolio of projects that can be advanced by creating joint-venture partnerships with other companies. The Hub will allow each company to exhibit maps and rocks from properties they would like to option/joint venture.
The Project Generators Hub will be located on the Exhibit Hall floor with presenting companies changing each day. Come by for a coffee and chat with some of the hottest prospects for 2019.

Innovation Hub
As our industry evolves, we are often faced with doing more with less. Come check out this year’s Innovation Hub to learn about new processes and the latest technologies being applied to mineral exploration and development. The Innovation Hub will showcase the re imagining of the industry and how it is moving into the 21st Century. In a new session for Tuesday, January 29, the Innovation Hub will feature Additions to the Geoscience Toolbox. Stay tuned for the complete schedule.
Poster Session
The Poster Session is Canada’s premier venue for dissemination and examination of applied mineral deposit and exploration geoscience research. Every year, between 80 and 100 presenters from leading government, academic and industry research organizations gather at Roundup to share pioneering work on the genesis and distribution of mineral resources throughout Canada and beyond. Posters will be on display on Monday, January 28 only.

AME Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The 108th Annual General Meeting of the Association for Mineral Exploration will be held on Wednesday, January 30. The AGM gives AME an opportunity to update members on the 2018/19 Annual Workplan and achievements of the Association. The meeting also enables members to participate in the governance and leadership of the organization.
All members of AME will receive a notice of the time and location. We welcome and look forward to your participation as a member of AME.
Your Association, Your Voice
Please participate in our AME Roundup Membership Survey during Roundup 2019. The purpose of the survey is to gather baseline research on AME members’ opinions about Roundup and policy issues affecting the membership and to inform AME’s planning process.