Jamie Davignon is an Engineer-In-Training for Stantec’s northern civil engineering group in Whitehorse, Yukon. She is a member of the Tahltan Nation and is attending Roundup through a Youth Program by AME and 3Nation (Tahltan, Kaska, Tlingit) Leadership. Jamie has a Bachelor of Applied Science in Environmental Engineering from the University of Northern British Columbia and University of British Columbia. This is her first-time attending AME Roundup 2019. Here are her insights for attendees in 2019.
What are you hoping to achieve by attending AME Roundup 2019?
By attending AME Roundup 2019, I’m hoping to expand my network within the mining industry. Roundup is the perfect event for networking with Clients and professionals, as well as meeting and connecting with other Tahltan and Indigenous members within the mining industry. As the mining industry continues to grow in the North, it is an opportune chance to build relationships with other Stantec colleagues from our mining discipline. It is also a great opportunity to learn about current and future mining projects within the Yukon and Northern British Columbia.
As an Engineer-in-training, how do you feel AME Roundup 2019 will help with your career progression?
As an Engineer-In-Training in a small northern office, a large part of my job is business development. As mentioned before, Roundup is a great opportunity for networking and learning about opportunities, which all leads to business development. Events such as Core Shack showcase new discoveries, leading prospects, advanced projects and operating mines from around this world. This type of event is great to attend to ask questions and engage in opportunities. Viewing the exhibits is also a good opportunity for learning about the latest technical innovations. Personally, I find it much easier talking to a vendor in person than over the phone or email.
Valuable programs at AME Roundup 2019 from your perspective. What are you most looking forward to attending?
There are so many valuable programs presented at AME Roundup but the one that I’m most looking forward to attending is the Traditional Knowledge & Western Science panel discussion through The Gathering Place program. This discussion is about bringing all forms of knowledge together and to create stronger projects. Some other events that I’m looking forward to attending, include evening receptions with the Tahltan Nation Development Corporation and Stantec, Yukon Night, other events through The Gathering Place, and the Exhibit Hall.
Can you advise on how companies can best leverage the access to the Indigenous community at AME Roundup 2019. What would you like to see?
A great way to access the Indigenous community at AME Roundup is by attending the presentations and discussions at the Gathering Place. The Reconciliation Breakfast is also a great opportunity to learn how leaders enable a culture of reconciliation through their work. I would like to learn more about how the industry is developing relationships with Indigenous communities.