The winter edition is all about Roundup and this issue is no different! This issue is packed with interesting and valuable articles about what you need to know heading into Roundup 2019, where we will proudly present the “Elements for Discovery” theme.
Last year was my very first Roundup and I thank all of you who helped me manoeuvre through those amazing five days! I still have so much to learn, so I will be studying the full Roundup program to make sure I don’t miss a thing!
2018-2019 Strategy and Planning
With “your association, your voice” in mind, we began collecting input to update AME’s guiding document, the Strategic Plan, at Roundup 2018. We collected your views on issues that affect your work and what AME can do to continue supporting you, our members. Following that broad survey, committee chairs and staff reviewed the responses and talked with regional exploration groups, committee members, directors, government and other industry partners. With that incredible input, we created the 2018-2022 Strategic Plan which was approved by the board in May of 2018. Building off of that Strategic Plan, we then created an annual plan which outlines specific work that the association will undertake to further the industry and add value to all members.
We are grateful to all of you who contributed, including our 12 committees and their chairs, who invested considerable time and thoughtful perspectives to the robust plan.
A summary of the 2018-2019 Annual Work Plan is found on our website as well as on page 11 in this publication.
2017-2018 Successes
In January 2018, AME hosted its highest net revenue Roundup conference ever. Over 6,500 delegates enjoyed tried-and-true events such as BC Night and an excellent array of short courses and technical sessions. In addition, new events such as the Reconciliation Breakfast, the Innovation Hub and the Project Generators Hub were introduced with great success. Some 238 pieces of editorial coverage and event listings were published in both traditional and social media, with a total reach of 124,535,233. This represented an increase of 16 per cent over 2017. Ninety-five per cent of attendees agreed the event was valuable overall based on a poll of 743 respondents.
Beyond Roundup 2018, AME participated in multiple engagement and consultation sessions on both provincial and federal legislative and regulatory changes. In addition, AME was represented on the Environmental Assessment Advisory Committee to Minister of Environment George Heyman as well as participating as a member of the Mining Jobs Task Force, an initiative of the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources.
In a unique and strategic collaboration with AME, the provincial government, the Tahltan Central Government, the Nisga’a Nation and several exploration companies working in Northwestern B.C. launched a pilot initiative called the B.C. Regional Mining Alliance (BCRMA). Established early in 2018 and currently focused on northwestern B.C., the BCRMA represents key projects specifically in the “Golden Triangle.” The BCRMA promotes B.C. as Canada’s leading exploration and mining jurisdiction for investment. Invited companies must be AME corporate members and as of August 2018 included Dolly Varden Silver Corp., GT Gold Corp., IDM Mining and Skeena Resources Ltd.
British Columbia’s mineral and coal exploration industry grew in 2017 for the first time since 2012. We published the second annual British Columbia mineral and coal exploration survey in partnership with EY and the government of British Columbia’s Ministry of Energy, Mines & Petroleum Resources. The survey found that exploration expenditures across B.C. totaled $246 million in 2017, up $41 million (20%), from the year before.
We look forward to announcing the results of the third annual survey for 2018 in early 2019 with our partners from the Ministry of Energy, Mines & Petroleum Resources and EY.
Looking ahead
We are looking forward to welcoming you to another diverse and productive Roundup conference on January 28-31, 2019, under the sails of the beautiful Vancouver Convention Centre East.
There are two exciting new session themes this year: the Base Metals Session will showcase selected exploration projects from across Canada and the world and feature a broad range of commodities that may include copper, zinc, lead and nickel. The presentations will feature skilled mineral explorers who will be highlighting their recent successes based upon the elements of research, innovation, technical expertise and clever project management. In that same spirit, the Precious Metal Session will feature world-class gold and silver projects. The usual popular networking events will be back better than ever as well as the Project Generator Hub and the Innovation Hub that we introduced last year.
In addition, we are proud to present our seventh annual AME’s Gathering Place program that celebrates successes and continues conversations on important topics that help us all further responsible projects based on our shared values.
I look forward to connecting with you at Roundup 2019 and throughout the year – whether in the field, or otherwise contributing to this dynamic community of explorers. As always, have a safe day, every day.