Snippets of the important conversations that took place at AME’s first 100% virtual Roundup conference.

  1. “Responsible resource extraction is what we do.”The Honorable Seamus O’Regan, Minister of Natural Resources, Government of Canada, Opening Ceremony with Keynote
  2. “Building back better starts now, and minerals and metals must be at the heart of that.” Paul Lefebvre, Parliamentary Secretary to the Federal Minister of Natural Resources, Government of Canada, Opening Ceremony with Keynote
  3. “COVID has turned our lives upside down… as we start 2021, there is hope on the horizon.”The Honorable John Horgan, Premier of British Columbia, Opening Ceremony with Keynote
  4. “The era of the revenge of the miners.” Robert Friedland, Founder/Executive Co-Chairman, Ivanhoe Mines, Opening Ceremony with Keynote
  5. “We hear a lot about revolutionary new exploration technologies but… prospecting is not dead.”Gordon Clark, Director, BC Mineral Development Office, BC Geological Survey, Regional Overviews: BC / Yukon / Alaska
  6. “Cement our province as a partner of choice… aim to make BC a supplier of choice internationally.” – The Honourable Bruce Ralston, Minister of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, Government of BC, Government Industry Forum
  7. “This is a good place to be when it comes to ESG.” Fazil Mihlar, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, Government of BC, Government Industry Forum
  8. “We are incredibly agile… we’ve faced no shortage of changes this past year.Craig Hart, former Director, Mineral Deposit Research Unit, Theme Session: Leading Through Change
  9. “We need to start selling the importance of local metals… we need to mine where we can regulate them.” Steve Piercey, Professor and NSERC-Altius Industrial Research Chair in Mineral Deposits, Memorial University, Theme Session: Leading Through Change
  10. “Capital will flow to certified supply chains.” – Francis Sullivan, Deputy Chair, ResponsibleSteel, Commodities and Financial Markets
  11. “We’re bullish on the outlook for gold miners.”Imaru Casanova, Deputy Portfolio Manager and Senior Analyst, Vaneck, Commodities and Financial Markets
  12. “Investors are monitoring ESG performance more closely these days”David Elliott, Vice President and Director, Haywood Securities, Finance Keynote
  13. “We need to share our success stories… the whole world is watching.” The Honourable Murray Rankin – Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation, Government of BC, The Gathering Place
  14. “Indigenous suppliers are well placed [during COVID-19] to provide… quick turn around and support when needed.” Aaron Higgs, Nupqu Resources, The Gathering Place
  15. “[Dolly Varden] have credibility with us… because they did what they said they were going to do.” Charles Morven, Secretary Treasurer, Nisga’a Lisims Government, The Gathering Place
  16. “ESG is no longer a trend, it’s mainstream.” Bonita To, Director, Mining Specialist Institutional Equity Sales, Scotiabank, Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) Session
  17. “Let’s not be scared of being change agents.”Randy Smallwood, Wheaton Precious Metals, Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) Session
  18. “There’s only one way a mineral exploration company can operate today and that’s with the highest possible ESG performance.”Ross Beaty – Chairman, Pan American Silver, Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) Session
  19. “I will start from a place of vulnerability for myself. It felt a little bit odd to be out there searching for a Black geologist to put on this panel. A Black geologist with experience working in North America was extremely difficult to find.” Kendra Johnston, President and CEO, AME, AME Keynote: A Conversation on Diversity and Inclusion in Mineral Exploration
  20. “Women in mining are hardy just by being women in mining.”Linda Murphy – Senior Manager Community Relations, Yamana Gold, AME Keynote: A Conversation on Diversity and Inclusion in Mineral Exploration
  21. “It’s up to privileged white guys (myself included) to educate themselves and each other about the systemic inequities and do something about it.”Pim van Geffen, Principal Geoscientist, CSA Global, AME Keynote: A Conversation on Diversity and Inclusion in Mineral Exploration


  • Kylie Williams

    Kylie Williams is AME's Director, Communications and Member Relations. She is an accomplished geologist, communications professional and award-winning writer specializing in earth science, technology, business, and responsible resource development.

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