My name is Heather Burrell and I’m a senior geologist and partner with Archer, Cathro & Associates (1981) Limited. Archer Cathro is an independent geological consulting firm that started in the Yukon in 1965 as has been active in numerous jurisdictions since then. I graduated from UBC with a BSc in 2006. As an undergraduate geology student my first summer job was with Archer Cathro in 2004. After that summer I fell in love with geology, the Yukon, and what we affectionately call “the Archer Cathro way.” I’ve been with the company ever since.
What is the value of Roundup for you as an individual?
I look forward to Roundup each year because it is an amazing learning opportunity and a chance for me to connect with old friends and network with new ones. In previous years I have tried to spend as much time as possible in the speaking sessions and Exhibit Hall trying to absorb new information. This year Archer Cathro has a booth on the tradeshow floor on Wednesday and Thursday, which will allow us to showcase our consulting services and network with everyone from students to financiers to old-timers, and everyone in between. For 2020, I’m most excited about being part of the tradeshow and talking to people about exciting projects Archer Cathro’s clients have in the Project Generators Hub.
What are your plans at Roundup and what are you most looking forward to?
As a geologist, I look forward to the Technical Sessions and project updates. The organizing committee does an excellent job putting together an exciting program of technical presentations that highlight geological and innovation advancements that have resulted in some exciting new (and old) projects. For me, the ability to listen to a technical talk and learn something is a huge benefit, one that could result in new exploration ideas that may fuel the next staking rush and discovery.
As my career evolves from grassroots exploration into project management I have always been interested in advancements concerning indigenous relations. At Roundup, The Gathering Place offers a valuable chance to expand our horizons, while offering a safe place to ask respectful questions.
Do you think it is important for professionals from other industries to attend Roundup and why?
I definitely think it is important for professionals from other industries to attend Roundup. The networking opportunities available to delegates at Roundup are unparalleled. The conference balances all aspects of the mining lifecycle by discussing everything from land availability, First Nations relations, all phases of exploration and mining to restoration and reclamation. Our industry is key to many lawyers, accountants and financial professions and it is important that they stay abreast of the emerging opportunities and challenges that we are facing.
Can you give any advice to companies on how they can best leverage access to geologists like yourself?
If you’re looking for a geologist at Roundup I suggest heading to the Project Generators Hub and the Prospectors’ Tent since both of those areas are filled with geologists-for-hire and students hoping to gain experience in the industry. And of course, Archer Cathro’s booth on the tradeshow floor is a great place to go if you’re looking for a geologist.