Sharing the story of our province’s competitive advantage with a national and international investment audience is vital to ensure the health and growth of the mineral exploration and mining industry and spur further responsible economic development in the province of British Columbia. Through a unique and strategic collaboration with the Association for Mineral Exploration (AME), the provincial government, the Tahltan Central Government, the Nisga’a Nation and several exploration companies working in northwestern B.C., a dynamic pilot initiative called the B.C. Regional Mining Alliance (BCRMA) was established early in 2018 and is currently focused on northwestern B.C. and represents key projects specifically in the “Golden Triangle.” The current invited industry members of this group are Dolly Varden Silver Corp., GT Gold Corp., IDM Mining Ltd. and Skeena Resources Ltd.
Why the Golden Triangle?
The Golden Triangle has seen a series of recent infrastructure investments and this once-remote region is now more practical to work in than ever. Upgraded transmission lines supply clean, affordable, reliable hydroelectric power to mineral exploration and mining operations throughout the region. Other recent infrastructure improvements include highway upgrades, new ocean port infrastructure at the ice-free port of Stewart and the commissioning of three independent hydroelectric facilities. In addition, there is strong support from First Nations for sustainable resource development that will bring jobs and economic opportunities.

The current focus of the BCRMA is to promote B.C.’s many advantages through a collective presence at key events. The first internationally focused investment conference the BCRMA attended was the Canadian Mining Symposium in London, U.K., in late April 2018. At the symposium, BCRMA members participated in a provincial panel discussion that highlighted B.C.’s competitive mineral advantage and also met with potential investors and high-level executives from investment firms based in the United Kingdom and elsewhere in Europe. In September 2018, the BCRMA will be participating in the Precious Metals Summit, one of the preeminent invitation-only investment conferences showcasing junior precious metals exploration and development companies This venue will provide another fantastic opportunity to continue to highlight the benefits of investing in B.C. The BCRMA is working to boost the mineral exploration and mining industry, support long-term community sustainability and help to build a better B.C.
We have a strong, vibrant and competitive mining sector in this province, and now, for the first time, government, First Nations and industry have joined together to tell British Columbia’s story to the investment > community. Each of the partners in the B.C. Regional Mining Alliance has come together to share their successes and provide potential investors with first-hand knowledge on every aspect of responsible mineral exploration and mining. The B.C. Regional Mining Alliance is an opportunity for First Nations and industry to showcase how collaboration is > leading to world-class mineral development in our province. It also reiterates our government’s commitment to > working with First Nations and industry to build a new generation of relationships and partnerships and ensure that the right projects are being developed for the benefit of all British Columbians.
Michelle Mungall > B.C. Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources
The modern-day success of B.C.’s mineral exploration and mining industry is based, in large part, on the relationships built between industry, Indigenous groups and surrounding communities duringmineral exploration and development. The BCRMA brings together First Nations and industry to promote B.C. as Canada’s leading exploration and mining jurisdiction for investment.
Edie Thome > President & CEO, Association for Mineral Exploration
There is strong support for sustainable resource development in our communities, and the infrastructure to make projects happen in terms of skilled labour, expertise in partnerships, contracting opportunities, and a legal framework that provides certainty and improves the quality of life of our citizens.
Corinne McKay Secretary-Treasurer, Nisga’a Nation
The BCRMA is working to boost the mineral exploration and mining industry, support long-term community sustainability and help to duild a better B.C.