For Significant Contributions Influencing or Advancing the Mineral Exploration and Development Industry, Concepts or Practices in BC.
Awarded to those who have made significant contributions or advances that have influenced or advanced the mineral exploration and development industry or mineral exploration concepts or practices in British Columbia.
The Award is open to individuals or companies engaged in any aspect of mineral exploration and development, who have been nominated by an AME member or member of an associated exploration and/or mining association.
When being considered for the AME Special Tribute Award, nominees will be assessed on their role in projects that demonstrate strong evidence of:
- Advancement in mineral exploration concepts and/or practices.
- Their level of influence on the advancement of the concepts and/or practices.
- The benefit or impact of these concepts and/or practices on the larger mineral exploration and development industry.
- Alignment with AME’s Purpose, Mission, Guiding Principles and Core Values
Nominations are now closed for 2024.
2023 Recipient: Scott Gifford
The late Scott Gifford is recognized with an AME Special Tribute for his vision and dedication as a prospector and explorationist who could see the deposit-scale, property-scale, district-scale and regional-scale significance of epithermal gold-silver and porphyry copper-gold mineralization in B.C.’s Toodoggone district and for keeping exploration of the Toodoggone Camp alive and robust during times of slow exploration and mining activity and challenging market conditions.
Past Recipients
- Larry Jones
- Ron Bernbaum
- ‘Lyn Anglin
- Michael Beley
- Peter Bradshaw
- Michael Burke
- Dick Campbell
- Nick Carter
- Bob Cathro
- Jeff Franzen
- Hu Gabrielse
- Ian Graham
- Lew Green
- Val Greenwood
- Greater Vancouver Mining Women’s Association (GVMWA)
- Dr. Norman Keevil
- Ward Kilby
- David Lefebure
- El Longeran
- Terry Macauley
- John MacDonald
- Jack McClintock
- Harlan Meade
- Jan Muller
- Doug Oldenburg
- Jack Patterson
- Bill Plumb
- Andy Randell
- John Reesor
- Jim Roddick
- Don Rotherham
- Alastair Sinclair
- Jack Souther
- Colin Spence
- John Thompson
- Ian Thomson
- Howard Tipper
- Dick Tosdal
- John Wheeler
- Geoff Whiton
- Late Julia Lane
- Highway 37 Electrification Coalition