As part of National Indigenous History Month, which is the time to learn and recognize the history, heritage and diversity of Canada’s First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples; today we celebrate the outstanding achievements and diverse cultures of Indigenous Peoples in Canada.

What can we do today?

  • Make a Pledge of Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples using these eight simple commitments set by Indigenous Corporate Training Inc.
  • Follow and learn from Indigenous writers and journalists – check out this handy list.
  • Donate to Charities that share the common goal of addressing issues vital to Indigenous Peoples culture, health and well-being.

Furthermore, AME is committed to advancing the process of reconciliation, and prioritizing ways to implement the Calls to Action set out by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. You can learn more about the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s final report, and progress on the Calls to Action here

This summer, the AME team will be embarking on a cultural awareness trip that will be both inspiring and educational.Today, the team will be attending the21 Things You May Not Know About The Indian Act: Discussion with Bob Joseph hosted by Indigenous Corporate Training Inc. In 2020, AME interviewed Bob Joseph about his renowned book – read the Q&A. You can also view the various training and resources available.

At AME, we believe that successful projects and partnerships provide mutual benefit and support efforts towards reconciliation. Find out more.


  • Jordan Townley

    As Manager, Marketing and Communications, Jordan focuses on a wide range of marketing activity including PR and Media Relations, Digital Marketing, Measurement and Analytics, Social Media Management, Media Partnerships, Content Development, E-news as well as event support for AME Roundup. Jordan is the Staff Lead for the Communications and Marketing Committee and the Editorial Sub-Committee.

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